Author: thesteadfast

What I learned in 3 years away from home

What I learned in 3 years away from home

This past week, I closed the book on one of the most enjoyable chapters of my life so far. Having been born and raised in Sydney, I never expected to leave home until I had finished my university studies – but life often surprises us. 

Book Review – The Case for Miracles

Book Review – The Case for Miracles

Lee Strobel’s “Case for” series (including The Case for Christ, The Case for a Creator, The Case for Faith and 6 others including The Case for Miracles) is one of the world’s most popular book series regarding Christian apologetics. Strobel, a former atheist and a 

Consistency and Discipline

Consistency and Discipline

Hal Elrod’s 2012 bestseller The Miracle Morning is just one example of the wildly successful self-help books published in recent times. Cynics abound: to many these books appear fad-like, akin to New Year’s Resolutions that garner excitement for a time before losing their shine. I 

Determination, Perseverance and Mental Strength

Determination, Perseverance and Mental Strength

I dropped my head in shame, having double-faulted yet again. I’d been the high flyer for much of the season and had let my team down in the semi-finals.  I’m describing a match I played in a local junior tennis tournament when I was 15. 

A quick introduction

A quick introduction

Hey! Thanks so much for dropping by! As this is the first post on this blog, I thought I’d just lay some of the groundwork and explain what I’d like to do with this page. I don’t have a specific genre that this blog can