

I’ve been reading Dr. William Lane Craig’s book ‘Time and Eternity’, and all the discussion about the nature of time has had me thinking about some interesting hypotheticals. Imagine you were created just a moment ago, but with all the memories (both cognitive and otherwise), 

Race: Reflections and Observations

Race: Reflections and Observations

Note: this was initially written shortly after the death of George Floyd in May; it has been updated and tailored to race in other contexts. *** “F***ing Indian c**t.” The comment slaps me across the face as I run forward and take the tackle. The 

Legislating Morality: Part 2

Legislating Morality: Part 2

Pro-Life Christianity (Note: this is a continuation of a previous post on conservatism and Christianity. It was originally a single post but in the interests of keeping both posts a readable length, I’ve decided to split the original into two. For the sake of continuity, 

Legislating Morality: Part 1

Legislating Morality: Part 1

The awkward marriage between Christianity and conservatism (Note: when I started this blog, I promised I’d keep it apolitical. This post does not take a side, but rather aims to identify inconsistencies in reasoning that should provide voters pause before deciding which candidate to support.)