A quick introduction

Hey! Thanks so much for dropping by! As this is the first post on this blog, I thought I’d just lay some of the groundwork and explain what I’d like to do with this page.

I don’t have a specific genre that this blog can be categorised into – it’ll be a collection of my thoughts on a number of different areas. There’ll be thoughts about what’s currently happening in the world (apolitical though; I will try to shy away from anything particularly controversial), pieces of advice and inspiration from things I observe on a day to day basis, reflections on things happening in my own life, and much more (there may also be some philosophy!). I also intend write commentary and thoughts on what’s happening in music, sports and beyond. I’ll be reviewing certain books and products that I’ve read/used etc. as the blog unfolds (none of these reviews are sponsored at this stage; I’m just trying to share my experiences on things I use).

As a Christian, I will often infuse my writing with Biblical perspectives, trying to ensure that my writing and views stays as true as possible to the message of Jesus Christ.

I plan to start with a short series reflecting on some things I’ve learnt this year with regard to building character and achieving goals, starting with a post on perseverance.

Hope you stay on for the ride and enjoy what I’ve got to say!

“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You.”

Isaiah 26:3 [NASB]

Featured image by Casey Horner on Unsplash

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